There's a certain scruffiness to Marseille, but it also exudes a grandeur and charm that make it curiously interesting to explore.
Bruges: Inside the Fairytale City

Bruges is a city that smells like chocolate waffles and tastes like locally-brewed beer.
Ghent: A Trip to One of Europe’s Most Underrated Cities

To be very honest, I had never even heard of Ghent until 3 days before I visited. It’s in Belgium by the way, just in case you are as blissfully ignorant as I once was, and it just might be the secret city you never knew about.
From Dubai to Baku… in 36 Hours

If there was ever a city that surprised me, it was Baku in Azerbaijan. Not only is the capital home to the iconic Flame Towers that light up the city’s skyline at night, but it also boasts a Caspian Sea coastline, a UNESCO-listed walled city and a shopping boulevard that wouldn’t be out of place...